Is it possible for me to get into UIC?

So I’m a transfer student, but since I don’t have 30 credit hours, I’m still considered a freshman and they requested to see my High School transcript. I didn’t do so well in High School, landing about a 2.6 with a recorded 20 ACT (unrecorded and also on my high school transcript was a 22 but I had to send the 20 ACT since it was the only one on file from the actual website.) My freshman year of college though, I earned a 3.6 GPA and most likely I’ll receive a 3.8 GPA (4.0…fingers crossed) by the end of second semester. I also did an honors college application but my main question is-- is it possible to get into UIC/will they recognize my growth? Will the Honors College see my growth? I included why my grades were so low in high school as well but I’m so worried about the whole High School thing that they will kind of look over it.

You will easily get into UIC. The Honors College will most likely have you come in for an interview and upon seeing your scores, they might ask about your ACT in high school but I am not sure. Your good GPA will certainly get their attention. My friend got a 19 on her ACT but worked hard and did well her freshman year. She got into the Honors College her sophomore year.