Is it possible to do Pre-Med with a double major or minor in history?

<p>The title pretty much sums it up. I have a strong interest in history and I think it'll really give me a well-rounded education in addition to Pre-Med preparation. I think I will major in a biological science and I was wondering if there was room for a double major in history. If not, is there room for a minor?</p>

<p>Yes, it’s possible, but know that you will end up needing to complete about 14 extra credit hours (based on my school). You may have to take a few summer courses to accomodate them if you don’t want to take too many. Now, if you have AP credits, it’s a different story. For the minor, there is definitely room for it.</p>

<p>Yes. It is possible.</p>

<p>It’s possible at my school also. I know someone who majored in history and biochemistry. Your best bet would be to check with your school/prospective schools.</p>

<p>Yeah…it all depends on the school and the requirements for each major and general education requirements, though. Definitely possible at my school.</p>

<p>Thanks. A corollary question would be: “Is it possible to do a specialty (13 full courses) as well as a major in history (8 full courses)?”</p>

<p>Are you a freshman? Have you started college yet?</p>

<p>I don’t really see the point of double majoring; why not just take some of the history classes you’d be interested in? When I started college, I had these plans of double majoring in unrelated things and getting a minor, but quickly saw how pointless and ridiculous it would be. If you really end up deciding you want to go for it, the above responses are correct.</p>

<p>Just major in history and take some bio classes.</p>

<p>yes, I am pre-med double majoring in economics and history. I have had to take a couple classes over the summer though. it is possible.</p>