<p>Um. MIT majorizes Harvard. Karamata's Inequality states this.</p>
<p>Um. MIT majorizes Harvard. Karamata's Inequality states this.</p>
<p>i think popular opinion wins</p>
<p>As someone who goes to MIT for undergrad, I thought I'll chime in.</p>
<p>MIT does not accept purely geek/nerds. MIT does not produce purely geek/nerds. In fact, one of my favorite parts about MIT is that it doesn't tell me who to be. Because the idea is that nobody at MIT is qualified to tell other people what they should or should not be. Instead, MIT teaches you to open your mind and be less judgemental. Celebrate your differences with others, and learn from them. </p>
<p>Also popular notions of MIT are highly skewed. For example, when you think of people behind glowing monitors in dark rooms, coding, that's not necessarily being a geek/nerd. That's called finishing an assignment, and just deciding not to turn on the light. </p>
<p>There are some hardcore types of people for all sorts of things here. But a lot of what the media likes to portray as "uber hardcore nerd geek hacker" etc is really just common sense stuff. When you live on a campus with thousands of athena machines, it shouldn't surprise you that a good part of MIT knows basic commands for 'nix. </p>
<p>Also, drawing comparisons between Harvard and MIT is generally a difficult and useless thing to do. The two schools have different philosophies, and focus at teaching different things. Extremely smart people work at both universities, and there is a ton of collaboration.</p>