Is it possible to go from a 1100 to a 1500 in three months?

<p>What exactly do I have to do?</p>

<p>Practice your butt off.</p>

<p>What did you do before you got the 1100? What materials did you use? How much did you prep? What were your weaknesses? Some can be overcome fairly quickly, while others take more diligent prep.</p>

<p>are we talking the 2400 scale? the math is the easist to improve. learning the tricks, etc</p>

<p>get different books, different companies emphasize different things, so don't count on one series</p>

<p>good luck</p>

<p>IMO, raising your score anywhere from 600 to 1600 is by far easier (in preparation) than raising a 1600+ to the 2000's. Unless you really do have some sort of mental disability (which I doubt you do, seeing that you posted here) or have no motivation whatsoever (which I also doubt, seeing that you're atleast partially concerned about your score to post here), I figure that hard work, or even some work, and perseverence will, 9 times out of 10 (I don't want to speak for everyone), allow you to be successful in raising that score a tremendous (or not so tremendous) 400 points. Ironically, the SAT tests you not entirely on how intelligent you are, but more on how well you can TAKE the test. What I mean by this, is that person A may be twice as smart as person B but still score lower because B had actually familiarized himself with the test. </p>

<p>Study, study, study... and when you're finally done with that, study some more. It may seem overwhelming but consider the few hours you spend a day studying in 2006 as an investment. An investment for a better future. 2 hours working hard now may be worth more than 200 hours of hard work in the future. </p>

<p>In my opinion, the math and the writing could be improved fairly quickly because all the tricks ETS put in the SAT that "non-studyers" would fall for countless times but SAT "studyers" would easily recognize and use to their advantage (Elimination.) </p>

<p>In my own case, I have raised my first score of 1840 to a 2130 in a matter of a few months. After seeing that my hard work actually DID raise my score, I strongly believe that the amount you study for your SATs is directly proportionate to your score. I suggest you stop by a bookstore such as Border's or Barnes and Noble and grab an SAT book.. grab two... grab as many as you can carry! Good luck on your studying and stay motivated for your own good!</p>

<p>took me 3 months to go from a 1650 to 1950 lol..hey but i raised that sucker 300 points didn't I?</p>

<p>It took me 2-3 months to got from 2180 to 2320 (and then 4 months to go to 2360). The lower your score, the easier it is to raise it :)</p>

<p>I'm aiming for what you got tchaikovsky! Got any pointers in raising an already good score to a great score? 2130 almost seems like a peak for me... My CR is by far the worst of my scores. CR- 640 Math- 780 Writing- 710 (11 Essay.)</p>

<p>realistically no, if ur a pessimist no, if ur an optimist maybe, but thass a huge jump man, but gl , put yo mind to it</p>

<p>fo rizzle, g.</p>

<p>klee220, I would just have to say, practice like crazy on CR!!! Just take a bunch of tests and make sure you understand the ones you get wrong. All you can really do is practice. For me, when it came to crunch time, I was literally doing a practice test a day. Crazy, but I'll relax once I go to college, haha. Because your CR is "low," I feel you can easily raise it :). Study vocabulary if you need to, and if you don't feel comfortable with your strategies, look over new ones from Princeton Review or some other book. In terms of having on enough time to finish, you will gradually get faster after you practice, so you shouldn't worry about that. For math, I say that's a pretty damn good score. If you want to pull up writing, I would just work on the MC. It's pretty obvious you've got the essay down--my only tip is to write a ton for the essay (Mine was horrible and I pulled a 12). For books, I just used the Collegeboard and Princeton Review. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the pointers tchai. I need to get back into the "SAT-studying" habit. A month before the test I was doing similar, about a test every 2 or 3 days. It does seem like it would be reasonable to study vocab, but there are so many words that after memorizing 1000 words, only 3 or so would show up on the test. And I definitely need to improve my reading time, I'm not the fastest or most efficient reader/analyzer. For my writing I think I missed 5, which shocked me that 1 essay point and 5 questions "Out of 50?" lowered my score 90 full points. I guess I'll need to work hard, and once again, thanks for the tips.</p>

<p>Prep like your life depends on it and if you don't get a good score an axeman will each you for dinner. If you're too lazy too prep like a madman, sign up for a prep course. You can doooh it! :]</p>

<p>for it good to read the passage and answer the questions as you read....for example you read the passage until you come to the line that question 1 refers to, then you answer it and keep reading until you get to the line reference of question 2....</p>

<p>I've always had a short term memory, so I found that studying the night before made my score 200 points higher than studying 2-3 months in advance haha</p>

<p>I got a Math 650 Verbal 720 and Writing 680 --- studied ONLY math for about a month and in the end got a Math 650 Verbal 770 Writing. I went up 140 points in one month, but not even in the subject I wanted to go up in</p>

<p>Practice. It's the only way.</p>

<p>i seriously raised my math score from a 510 to a consistant 700 in 3 weeks. I took some school offered class over the summer that cost $150. Well worth it. I ended with a 770 math.</p>

<p>there are only a certain amount of different types of questoins that can be asked. learn them all and how to do them...</p>

<p>I crammed the 3500 Word Vocab Section from Barron's, but still I'm stuck at a 680. Is it still possible to raise the 680 to around a 750 before April 1st?</p>

<p>vocab means less on the new SAT. what is your problem on the test? is it the reading? Is it time? is it the sentence completion?</p>

<p>any help??</p>