Is it possible to mention an EC too much?

<p>I did independent research with a physics professor over the summer, and I mention it often. It is the subject of my Common App essay and I also mention it in the supplemental essays such as "Why this college?", etc. And for the Brown app, I use it as my personal statement (same essay as Common App), use it for one of the Physics questions, and in another small part.</p>

<p>I mean, it was the biggest thing I did throughout high school, I think it should get recognition. But am I mentioning it too much?</p>

<p>I think you should mention it.</p>

<p>Bump 10char</p>

<p>Colleges will get the point after 1~2 mentions.</p>

<p>By repeating the same thing again and again, you take up space to reveal your other admirable qualities. </p>

<p>Your choice.</p>

<p>I got the same answer from my AP English teacher... I was going to write about my passion for painting and studio arts in my common app essay in a quirky spinoff but since I'm sending my portfolio he said it would've been redundant...</p>

<p>well, writing is much different than something physical...i say write about your passion in art (it shows you have personal interests) and send a portfolio to "back it up" can write about how much they love art blahblah but no one knows until they see the actual're being more redundant by restating your research work</p>