<p>Hey guys, </p>
<p>All the way up to this point I thought I was going to Michigan because my financial aid packages from other schools were horrible. I have an EFC of 0 so I was sweating it out the whole time pretty much. Just a couple of days ago UT-Austin basically came back and offered me about 85-90% tuition. Michigan is my dream school, but frankly I'm not expecting much financial aid which is upsetting. My question is, if my financial aid package isn't helpful can I negotiate with the financial aid office to give me a package that is more helpful? Does the Texas scholarship give me any type of edge in negotiating? Does anyone have success stories in negotiating? Any feedback is greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>My understanding is the only way they’ll make a change is if you file an appeal which would require a significant change in your financial situation supported by tax returns.</p>
<p>Are you out of state? - Michigan meets need for in-state students so if in-state I would go and discuss. Michigan uses Profile so it’s possible you can discuss what in your Profile paperwork created the gap in your finaid. If you are out of state Michigan does not meet need for out of state or students and shotstop is correct, they will review your finaid if something substantial has happened in your family circumstances since you filed your finaid paperwork. It’s not really a “negotiation” it’s more “here’s what changed” is there any help you can give me. Before you go in with a change of circumstance appeal, make sure you know what amount you are willing to pay so that your conversation is in good faith and not a fishing expedition.</p>
<p>Thanks guys, I am OOS. THat “here’s what changed” aspect makes sense, should I give it a try anyway if there hasn’t been a drastic change, or would that just be overkill and pointless? Have you guys heard of anyone being successful with an OOS appeal?</p>
<p>Have you actually gotten your package yet from Michigan? The way you phrased it sounded like you hadn’t – so wait until you do!</p>
<p>That’s an excellent point! I guess I’m just trying to plan ahead because it seems as if so few OOS students receive sufficient financial aid.</p>
<p>I have a similar situation and I contacted the financial aid office and LSA scholarship office. They will on re-review a finaid package if your appeal shows a drastic change in your family’s situation and if that changes the data on your CSS/FAFSA. Then they will have the recalculate the numbers and change your package. And all the scholarships were given out. Those are only given to the top students…</p>
<p>Do you guys think I could possibly get 50% or is that wishful thinking as well?</p>
<p>Why not got check wolverine and see if what you ACTUALLY got is in there and report back.</p>