<p>A few days ago when I handed in my ED application to cornell, I also checked the "considered for EOP" box</p>
<p>but does that mean if I'm not qualified for EOP grade wise...does that mean I lost my chance of admission into Cornell?
I mean I believe I'm qualified income wise....but I heard that if your grades are too high they wont accept you for EOP...
My grades arent that great though...91 ish average..2110, 3 ap's and several years volunteering at hospital
Would Cornell still consider me as an applicant for ED admission even if I were to not qualify for EOP?</p>
<p>Im really scared right now.. is EOP a disadvantage or advantage?
i'm scared checking the EOP box was a BIG mistake...and if it was...is there anyway to withdraw the EOP request thing?</p>