<p>in the three months of summer is that possible? what if i study my ark off? </p>
<p>and recommendations for study guides? (p.s., i dont thing the official ACT prep is all that useful, things like the ACT 36 is what im talking about, it gives facts, not just tips)</p>
<p>Maybe, I am presuming that you have a 20 or less right now? at first, I started my ACT with a 29 and gradually got to a 32 in practice. I actually felt like the official ACT prep was useful because of the 5 practice tests and the general tips/practice they give. I would recommend that you go to some tutoring company or spend an afternoon in a book shop looking at ACT books that fit your needs and picking the ones that are best. In reality I think the English,Math, and Reading sections are easier than that of the SAT but the science section throws me off.</p>
<p>I’m not sure about raising it 16 points, but you can definitely raise it substantially if you dedicated time to studying. I raised my score by 2 points by literally just being familiar with the test, meaning the first time I took it I’d never seen it before, and the second time I took it I hadn’t done any prep, but I knew the layout of the test and how it worked, and boom, 2 more points
if you’re serious about studying, you can definitely raise it. By how much, I don’t know.</p>
<p>As far as study guides go, I bought the Barron’s ones. Not sure what’s best though.</p>
<p>In my experience you can only raise the score by so much. Some kids are just better test takers then others. I’m sure there are exceptions but generally no amount of prep will raise your score by 16 points. It also depend what your issues are. Did you run out of time? If that’s the case you can improve your score by doing a lot of practice tests. Also depends which sections you had problem with. A lot of students have problems with science. But the interesting thing all it is is reading comprehension. You don’t need to know much science to do well on the section. You just need to know how to read the charts. If you’re not great at math it will be hard to raise a math section score. This past year it seems like the math section kept getting harder. Bad at reading comprehension? You’ll have problems with all sections accept math. </p>
<p>The Real ACT Prep Guide is not used mainly for tips (though they are helpful). It is used more importantly for practice tests, because they are similar, if not identical as previous real, tests. You would expect the same but in different wordings. That is unlike other prep books which rather emulate either The Real ACT Prep Guide or the ACT itself.</p>
<p>You are more into concepts, so yeah, ACT 36 is a great book. Also get the original ACT and Cracking the ACT, which outline more concepts and actually teach them too. The best are the more specific workbooks for Math/Science, like Barron’s and PR’s, which are very sophisticated and detailed.</p>