Is it possible to relearn Earth Science over the summer?

So I took Physical setting/Earth science in 8th grade and I got an 87 on the regents exam. However I know that I can do way better than that, so I’m planning on retaking the Earth science exam in August. Would this be doable or should I give myself more time to study? What’s the best way to review? Thanks!!

Why would you do that? Unless you are extremely determined to perfect every Regents/get above a 90, don’t. The Advanced Diploma with Honors (highest) requires a 90 AVERAGE score, and you’ll take at most 10 more regents. Colleges out of state don’t care about regents, and in-state schools only consider it a little.

But if you really want to take it again, ask your guidance counselor and they’ll schedule it for January of NEXT year (from what I’ve heard). Im pretty sure August is reserved for those who were absent on the normal testing day