Is it possible to switch from Harpur into the School of Management ? Accepted student

Got accepted into Harpur but would like to switch to the School of Management for accounting or other business major. How easy or hard is that and can it be done prior to the starting school in the fall 2016 semester ?

It’s possible to transfer but not easy and you can’t count on it. If you know your only choice is to major in something SOM-related, I honestly wouldn’t go here and take the risk. It definitely can’t be done before school starts.

New Yorker

I have said this on various threads after doing tons of research. Listen to rebeccar DONT DO IT!! It is very hard to transfer from within the university. If you get a 3.5 or 3.7 gpa yes, it can be done, but as rebeccar stated, why take the chance. If you want accounting or other options in business, go to buffalo, albany, geneseo onswego baruch . They have excellent accounting programs and are easier to get into.

No offense to any Bing student, but the SOM is not Harvard, Yale, Columbia. Stanford, MIT NYU UCHICAGO TUFTS, BROWN Should I go on. I know Bing is a very good university, but I think they think a bit too highly of themesleves.

Just to clarify, already accepted into several much higher rated B Schools, including Kelley Indiana, umass Amherst also Buffalo management. Didn’t apply to Binghamton management school because it is a backup and wanted to keep all options open for other possible majors. (Thinking of maybe Computer Science) Could admissions be approached to ask if they would reevaluate the application for the management school? Looking at Binghampton primarily for cost and location (closer to home).

Mmmmm probably not. You should’ve applied as an SOM major, it’s MUCH easier to transfer into Harpur from SOM than vice versa. You have some great options, if they’re affordable then you’re in a good position. I happen to love UMass.

Ok. No one here knows for sure If you can be accepted to Harpur and then ask for reconsideration at SOM. Since this is an important subject for you, call the admissions office and ask. Do not rely on any guesses in this forum.

I have seen several posts that say - Binghamton isn’t Harvard, Yale, etc. Honestly, the argument is pointless. First, Binghamton’s use of “premier public” doesn’t mean it fancies itself as one of those private schools. Second, all of the schools listed above are 2-3 times more expensive than Binghamton. The title “public Ivy” was given by Fiske and was intended as a compliment - and as a way of telling prospective students that there are cheaper alternatives.

Binghamton is a selective, well-regarded public university where the student body is smart and tends to do well in post-college placement - whether it be grad school or employment.

I went to Binghamton and graduated Harpur over 25 years ago. My peers went to the top law and medical schools and landed good jobs. Six of us wound up at Boston University School of Law and did just as well in law school as our peers from Harvard and Yale. It doesn’t matter how you start the race. It matters how you finish!