<p>If it's possible, how hard is it, and why is it so hard? What would I have to do to transfer?</p>
<p>I know it is harder than from community colleges because there is a state policy to encourage the two years at a community college then move on model. Then after that, UCs give next preference to other UC transfers, so CSUs come after that. However, in the end I believe it is just going to depend on your own record. </p>
<p>I don’t know any specific to CSU requirements, but I would look at the TAG requirements for community college to UC transfers about what courses they want taken. I don’t know if it strictly speaking applies or not, since you wouldn’t have the TAG guarantee, in any event, but I would think they would generally look at similar things. </p>
<p>Others in the process of transferring may be able to give you clearer direction.</p>
<p>Here is the link to the transfer info on UCSB’s web page: <a href=“Future Transfer Applicants | Undergraduate Admissions”>http://admissions.sa.ucsb.edu/applying/transfer</a></p>
<p>UCSB Admissions offers one on one advising sessions with transfer counselors: <a href=“Virtual Admissions Events | Undergraduate Admissions”>http://admissions.sa.ucsb.edu/visit-ucsb/webinars</a>. No better way to find out what you can do to become most competitive applicant to UCSB.</p>