Is it possible to transfer in with a 2.5 gpa?

I currently have a 2.34 but after this semester and my summer classes, I will be just above the minimum requirement of a 2.5. I was involved in a car accident and ended up failing 3 classes in the spring semester last year, which brought my GPA down from slightly above a 3.0 to where I am now. I’ve emailed several different departments and many have said that a 2.5 is sufficient to be considered. Would it even be worth the attempt at applying again for the spring semester with this GPA? Or would I just be better off going elsewhere… I’ve taken 73 hours and I’ll be at 88 hours, so I can’t really take anymore BS classes to bring it up and I am nearing the point to where I need to take my major specific classes to graduate.

So, would it be better off to just ditch the whole idea of being able to transfer in?