Is it possible

<p>…is it poss to get from Lloyd Hall (building 1039 on map) to Moody music building in 10 minutes? </p>

<p>Any music people out there - what is your furthest away you could comfortably be and still make it within the 10 minutes? </p>

<p>And also, if a music class starts at 2 pm, does that mean in seats, fully rosined, tuned by 2…or do people straggle in, you tune, rosin, noodle around on your instrument…and really get started by say 2.10 pm?</p>

<p>I think that’s a solid 10 minute walk just between the 2 buildings not to mention getting out of one classroom and into another. Farrah is as far away as I’d say you could be and make it in the 10 mins. And even then you would have to walk at a brisk pace.</p>

<p>If you could schedule that class near lunch time with an hour off between classes it would be perfect for dining at Bryant Hall which has the best meal plan food on campus.</p>

<p>I don’t know if you have to be “instrument ready” at 2. If so, then I wouldn’t think it’s possible. </p>

<p>Is it possible for him to move his 1pm class to another time to have his lunch break at that point? He could have lunch at Burke or use DD’s in the Lloyd food court, and then go to Moody.</p>

<p>My son had classes in Moody and (was just as far away), he would make it to class on time, but he is an exceptionally quick walker. His professor was also very understanding -if he had to stay late for an exam or some other reason, because sometimes you need to stay the maximum time for tests and other things. I would probably not schedule classes this closely especially when you think about walking in the cold and wet weather as well.</p>

<p>Can you ask him for us if they start right on time for applied music performance classes (i.e., not the lecture-type music classes), or if they noodle around a bit on instruments, and then get going 10 minutes after the hour? Thanks!</p>

<p>My son’s instrument is voice, so not too much “fiddling” around with that. But in general performance classes do need to start on time. When they are practicing for concerts it was very important to use class time wisely. They also had evening (not in the course schedule,but should be on the syllabus) practices a week or two before concerts and rehearsals.</p>

<p>Just this semester, they started live streaming for some of the concerts. What a plus for those of us who are Out of State. It wasn’t the best quality for viewing but we hooked speakers up to the computer and the sound was great.</p>

<p>My D is a music major. Moody Music really isn’t close to the other academic buildings. Her first semester she had a class in Gordon Palmer, which is a little closer to Moody than Lloyd Hall is. She arranged with her math professor to allow her to leave class five minutes early to be on time for her performance class. She now always tries to schedule all of her Moody classes together and her classes elsewhere on campus at completely different times. </p>

<p>Students in performance classes are expected to be in their seats and ready to go at the time the class starts – and the higher the level the ensemble, the more strict the conductors tend to be about this. They can and do dock grades for lateness. Professors for individual lessons can be more lenient about arrival times if the professor assigned the lesson time knowing that the student’s prior class was all the way across campus.</p>

<p>^^^Agreed that it will depend on the professor/conductor and the arrangements made for being a few minutes late. It might be easier to leave the other class early after making arrangements with that professor but again, there might still be days (during tests) that your student cannot leave early.</p>

<p>Best bet don’t schedule classes that closely.</p>

<p>Ok, slightly different question: Is it possible to go from H Comer all the way to Farrah in 10 minutes?</p>

<p>HM Comer or BB Comer? </p>

<p>HM Comer will be tough to do in 10 mins especially if there is still construction going on at the Engineering complex. I seriously wouldn’t schedule that.</p>

<p>BB Comer is doable. You wouldn’t have time to lolly gag but you could do it in 10 mins if you walk fast.</p>

<p>Vital factoids I just learned about “lollygag,” thanks to the catalytic influence of my colleague, casinoexec:</p>



<p>Is it just me, or does it appear to others (old enough to remember Nixon’s veep) that Spiro Agnew got his material from 19th century Northern Vindicator copy?</p>

<p>Yep, S agreed to change schedule. For those of you who have back-to-back classes, the ‘Week At A Glance’ link is useful to see how the classes stack up in a spreadsheet schedule kind of format. This is under the Home page, under Registration (smack in the middle of the top of page). You have to hit ‘next week’ and fast-forward a week or two, as the initial page that pops up will be for the 1st week of classes in August, and that is only a partial week (and will not have all classes listed there).</p>

<p>IMO the alabama camus is small enough that you can make it from any building to another in 10 minutes. you may have to hurry, though.</p>

<p>of course, i haven’t been a student there to do it personally, so i may not know what i am talking about. : )</p>

<p>Mike, when you factor in the time it takes to get out of one building and actually in your seat in another building then 10 mins isn’t really a lot of time for cross campus scheduling. </p>

<p>H.M Comer to Farrah is roughly a 1/2 mile walk. That’s doable in 10 mins but when you factor in carrying a book bag, possibly getting stuck at the light crossing University Blvd, and getting out of Comer and into your seat in Farrah then it’s not something I would schedule.</p>

<p>As my DD reports - walking with weights (aka the backpack) is a good thing as it kept her from gaining the “freshman 15.” :-)</p>

<p>Let’s not forget the bad weather days (as in heavy downpour)…</p>

<p>While rain can be annoying, at least the wind chill is not routinely in the teens and below from November-March. I also hear the entire state shuts down with the sighting of a single snowflake so UA students never have to worry about getting to class on a snowy day.</p>