Is it still possible for me to take the SAT?

While I was in High school, my counselor told me that I did not need to take the SAT because I was going to a community college. Fast forward a year later, and doing some research, the University that I plan on transferring to requires that I submit my SAT scores even though I never took it. Is it still possible for me to take it? What is my best course of action here?

Your best course of action is to call the university to which you plan to transfer and ask your question. If they say you must take the SAT, then sign up for the August 25th exam and take it.

Good luck.

Good advice from @STEM2017

You can still take it. Make sure the uni you want to get into really requires it, and if they do, sign up to take it.

I’d suggest you do some real prep before you take the SAT, to refresh yourself on that math and etc.

yes you can take it!
Go to and sign up.

Check out KhanAcademy for free SAT test prep.