<p>since I'm only 14 and I still have plenty of time, is it too early to be thinking? I can't really prevent it from crossing my thoughts VERY often. Like I probably think about it 10 times per day. I know... I'm crazy. :(</p>
<p>Nope. I started thinking about college at 12 [WAY too much, though] but realized I should handle my current school first. </p>
<p>Having college on your mind is great; it’ll keep you motivated to finish high school. You’re not crazy, just don’t think about it too much. Focus on what is currently on your plate. :)</p>
<p>It is definitely too early to be thinking about it that much. Right now, focus on having fun and doing well in school.</p>
<p>Don’t obsess, but it can be a good general goal that gets you to do as well as you can.</p>
<p>^Agreed. But I really recommend staying off CC, especially the Chances threads, until junior year (though skimming through the AP or SAT threads before then may be helpful). Let thoughts of college motivate you without consuming you, and don’t let yourself get so obsessed that you forget you have high school ahead of you. You can miss out on the opportunity to fall in love with an EC or find a group of friends if you’re constantly thinking about college.</p>
<p>I will agree with glassesarechic. That is sort of what has happened to me, because I started thinking/obsessing about college when I was about 13. Don’t obsess with it, but think about it and make it a good general goal.</p>
<p>The best thing you can do is to get highest GPA as you can and start memorizing vocabularies for SAT I.</p>