Is it too late to Apply to U of A and get scholarship consideration?

<p>Hey all, was just wondering if it was too late to apply to Arizona? The website for scholarships says that in order to receive one, one has to be admitted by May 1st. If I apply say, today or tomorrow, would 10 days be enough for them to review my application and accept me?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Possible but not probable in my opinion. It usually takes 2+ weeks to get accepted, but if you send in your app ASAP (which rhymes :slight_smile: ), and then call on Monday you could maybe get them to expedite if your stats are no brainers for acceptance.</p>

<p>Hi UAKid,</p>

<p>I have a similar question to collegeworries. I, however, submitted my application -and it was confirmed to be complete- during the first days of March. I was then told that it would take 3-4 weeks for an admissions decision to be made. It’s now been 6+ weeks since my application was complete. I knew my stats were no-brainers, but I told the office to contact me for whatever they needed anyway. </p>

<p>You told collegeworries to call the office to ask “them to expedite if your stats are no brainers for acceptance.” Should I call them and ask them to speed it up for me? And maybe tell them to cancel my application for the honors college and just admit me to the UA?</p>

<p>I am worried because I have put other colleges on hold for the UA while admissions keeps telling me (check in 2 weeks, check on this date, etc) and <em>nothing</em>.</p>

<p>What should I do? Thanks.</p>

<p>I’d definitely give them a call. While it’s extremely unlikely that they forgot / lost your app, you should just say that it’s been going on double what the estimate is and you have to start making decisions know for where you will matriculate etc etc. The delay is probably because most people procrastinate and don’t apply early, so they get backlogged. You just need to get past the people that answer the phone to the people who can actually make acceptance decisions:</p>

<p>To start with: [Phonebook</a> | The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona](<a href=“Phonebook | UA Directory”>Phonebook | UA Directory)</p>

<p>Find what college your major is in and shoot an email / call that person in charge of the admissions. If you want to go to the top of the food chain:</p>

<p>Urquidez, Kasandra Kay appointed personnel
<a href=“”></a> // 520-621-3807
Assistant Vice President, Dean of Admissions</p>

<p>but at the VP level you usually talk to secretaries, so an email might be better.</p>

<p>Thank you, UAKid.</p>

<p>Ok, I just shot Ms. Urquidez an e-mail explaining everything to her. Is she good about responding (unlike admissions)?</p>

<p>As for calling, I’m pre-business, but all the people in the directory for pre-business are classified as “student” and not “staff”. Are those the people I contact?</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>No idea how good she is at responding (never emailed her before), but she is about 4 tiers from the top of the univ admin food chain. You probably will get a response, but it might be generic redirecting you to a lower level. Deans are like captains in the military…somewhere in the middle where they’re low enough to not be a-holes and high enough where they can wield power. The “student” directory listings are the front desk people that answer the phone when you call the generic number I suspect.</p>

<p>I’d sit tight and see what Ms. Urquidez responds with (give until Monday, since nothing happens on weekends). If she can’t help then she should know who can. If that doesn’t work, start going down the phonebook of staff for admissions…starting with program coordinators. “Hey you, program coordinator, I need you to do some coordinating here”. If you rattle bureaucracy’s cage enough you’ll get a result :)</p>