Is it too late to apply to UNC-CH?

<p>I figure that even if I get two straight 4.0's for the next two semesters in higher level courses, my avoidance of any math course above pre-calculus and unwillingness to take a science course again after getting a B- in General chemistry will always prevent me from getting into a top school.
And because I have such a bad financial situation, I can't really risk coming back to school next year and coming up empty by applying to the world's best schools.</p>

<p>I checked out UNC's' website and I've heard over the past few months here that people have been saying out of all the top Public Universities they give the best OOS Financial Aid along with UVA.
And the numbers are encouraging because UNC's website says their average transfer GPA for juniors is a 3.194 and the juniors' average SAT scores are 1180. Funny cause I have an 1180!</p>

<p>Is it too late to apply to UNC-CH and expect to get full financial aid??? I think it's a lot better than going back to my community college. I'm applying right now anyway and adding UNC to my FAFSA and CSS. Would I be better off coming back to my CC for a semester and then transferring into UNC in the Spring? (About time I started thinking with my mind instead of my heart!)</p>

<p>Ah crap... looks like the deadline was March 1st... Looks like I'm going to lose a year of my life for being dumb lol</p>

<p>There are still some colleges accepting applications from transfer students. Look into Emory and U. of Rochester. The application deadline for both is June 1. I know Emory meets 100% of demonstrated need, but am not too sure about U. of Rochester. Make sure to be very specific about why either of these schools are ideal transfer institutions for you if you choose to apply. Good luck!</p>

<p>It’s alright, I’m willing to admit I made a huge mistake here. At least next year I’ll know to apply to schools that fit my need and that I have an excellent chance of getting into. Emory and Rochester don’t interest me.
Just wish I didn’t have to learn this the hard way and lose a whole year</p>