Is it true that Baruch's Accounting department only give 10 or 20% A grades?

I was accepted as a transfer student to Baruch College. I am interested in their Accounting program but I have heard some very disappointing stories where professors are only allowed to give 10% of the students A grades. Has anyone experience this situation? Is this true?


I have heard the same thing from varous folks who are in the accounting program. Actually, I believe the number is like 15%. Some professors do what they want, so the number can be higher, but there is grade deflation at Baruch in the accounting dept. Like I said, I have heard this from folks on these boards who attend. I am sure it is not written in stone in a Baruch manual. However, if you ask the accounting professors, I am sure some will admit to this.

My son is going to be a jr in high school. He will apply to Baruch, but I have to admit, I am not happy with this grade deflation nonsense. I know Baruch has a great accounting program etc etc etc, and is a great value, but accounting is enough pressure. Do I really want my son to have added pressure? I am from the old school. If you deserve an A, give out the A. If you deserve to fail, you fail. I know that most courses will follow the bell curve anyway, but to limit the amount of A’s to a certain % turns me off.

There are alot of excellent accounting programs out there that do not have grade deflation per se’. Albany, Pace, Geneseo, Buffalo, Binghamton, St Johns, Oswego. I can go on and on. Do not get me wrong. Baruch is in the top 15-20 accounting programs in the country, and has great recruiting, but so do these other colleges. Trust me, the big 4 visit all of the above colleges, and there are many more colleges that have great programs.

I am not saying that these colleges are a cake walk, and that the accouning courses are easy. They are not!! But to my knowledge, there is not a charter if you will that only a certain percent of the class can attain an A.

Also as a side note, it depends what you are looking for in a school. Baruch is a commuter school. If you are looking for that traditional college feel, campus life etc, Baruch is not the answer. However, some folks hate dorms and college life. In that case, Baruch is a great fit.

Good luck, and please do research the grade deflation situation. I am only hearing this from SOME students that attend Baruch. Maybe things have changed.

"There are alot of excellent accounting programs out there that do not have grade deflation per se’. Albany, Pace, Geneseo, Buffalo, Binghamton, St Johns, Oswego. "

A’s at some SUNYs are meaningless because some hand out As for substandard work.