Is it true that most of the engineering guys at SEAS are Stanford/MIT/Caltech rejects

<p>I personally don't think so, but I'm just a secondary opinion.</p>

<p>no, especially since a sizable portion of the class is admitted ED!</p>

<p>I doubt there’s a whole lot of overlap between the applicant pool for Stanford/Caltech and SEAS. There will be some overlap, but SEAS is so different from either of those schools and caters to something totally different.</p>

<p>I got into MIT, as did others that I knew.</p>

<p>caltech and seas - location and culture are too different.
MIT and seas - culture is way too different
stanford and seas - culture is similar but experiences are quite different, stanford is also a tradition engineering powerhouse, seas caters a lot to engineers who don’t necessarily want to do engineering. location will mean less of an overlap.</p>

<p>schools with large overlap:</p>

<p>penn seas, wharton, h,y,dart engineering (cornell, duke and northwestern sometimes)</p>

<p>i do know a couple of kids who wanted to go to MIT/Stan, but then I know several kids who are at columbia despite getting into MIT (C02). Most people either wanted to go to seas or considered it equally with the schools listed above, not that many rejects.</p>

<p>Not sure why, but I know quite a few people in my class who also got into MIT. They’re all pretty social people and said MIT was too hardcore for them.</p>