Is it true that most selective colleges limit AP credit?

<p>So that you can only test out of a limited number?</p>

<p>Huh…? what?</p>

<p>Ah…like some colleges will only let you use AP credit to exempt out of, say, up to three classes. They place limits on the number you can test out of. I was wondering if thats true…</p>

<p>See this </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>for one example of a college policy. Each college sets its own policy. </p>

<p>See also </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; </p>

<p>for some general information about AP tests.</p>

<p>Most selective colleges definitely have stricter requirements for obtaining college credits from AP tests than most public schools. But this varies for each school.</p>

<p>I’ve heard medical schools do not want to take Ap credits, and I completely understand why. I myself plan to take a number of Ap classes ( currently taking 2) but I doubt I’ll be taking the Ap exam.</p>

<p>Yes, it is true mainly that private schools will limit AP credits more than public schools. I go to Berkeley, and know someone at Cornell who has many, many more requirements to get rid of since AP credits don’t count as much. Definitely something to consider.</p>

<p>Each college/university should have a clear statement on its website about credit for AP, CLEP, IB and other credit-by-exam systems. Generally speaking, the more selective a college/university, the more restrictive the credit-by-exam policy.</p>

<p>This is a fairly recent development, but, yes, the selective schools do limit your AP credit. The schools which my sons attend have limits in the range of 18-24 credits.</p>

<p>In general, the state schools are much more lenient than the privates, but I think that many schools have tightened their policies over the past few years.</p>

<p>At my son’s college you cannot accrue any credits by AP exam. In a few cases you can use a score of 4 or 5 to place into a higher level class (this is mostly just for math and a few science classes), but no credit is given.</p>

<p>D got 24 credits (the max allowed) from her school. It’s not one of the most selective colleges, you will have to check them out individually. She gets to skip some basic classes in history and go on to the higher level ones. Since she is not a math or science major, having taken AP Calc, Stat, and Chem were very beneficial for her. Those general requirements are done - 8 credits were given for chem alone.</p>