Is it true that you can only apply to 5 UC's?

<p>Please clear this up for me!
I was talking to a friend who got into UCLA as an international. She said that she applied to 5 UC campuses because that’s a limit and you can add a 6th campus, but it’s difficult…is this true?</p>

<p>No, you can apply to all nine undergrad UC campuses if you wish. You will have to pay an extra filing fee, however, for each campus to which you apply.</p>

<p>I think UC does limit the number of “free” applications for the low income. But other that that, you can apply to as many as you have $ to pay the fee.</p>

<p>I wonder where people get their information sometimes.</p>

<p>But why would you want to apply to more than 5?</p>

<p>idk maybe:
reaching schools: UCB, UCLA
good chance: UCSD, UCI, UCSB, UCD
fall-back schools: UCSC, UCM, UCR ?
so 5 out of that? easy. 2 reaches, 3-4 good chances, and 2-3 fall-backs. 7-9 schools.</p>