<p>With a Economics major it's difficult to get into the business world? I heard it's very hard and useless unless you're going to IBanking, any truth?</p>
<p>If you don't goto an Ivy or top school, it's probably true.</p>
<p>bump bump bump.
so pretty much a econ degree is useless from a school that isnt top tier, if im trying to get into the business world?</p>
<p>NO. It's stuff like that which makes people lack motivation to strive for anything. They become lazy and useless because they think they will go nowhere after graduating.</p>
<p>Fendey to be honest your attitude going into this is not very good. For whatever reason you have this notion drilled into your head that's pretty much baseless. </p>
<p>I'll tell you what, if you're thinking a top company is going to hand you an upper management job out of ANY school you need to rethink your focus.</p>
<p>Don't listen to post #2. nd09 is correct. You have to work your way up no matter what college you come out of. If you go to a top school, you'll probably just get a better edge. But if you don't, the key is to stay motivated and push yourself to do it and you'll be surprised.</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses. </p>
<p>nd09-I know a company won't hand me it, but i just got the idea that getting into PE/HF/Ibanking was pretty much impossible with a econ degree from a school that isnt top tier. Trust me, im one of the most ambitious people you'll ever meet. I just want to know what im doing before choose econ as a major, and btw, can i get into any different part of the business world besides those 3 jobs?</p>
<p>sp1212-but i man overall, am i better off with a business major instead of econ if i want to be in the business world?</p>
<p>Don't listen to post #2? I said it was more difficult, no where did I imply it was near impossible. Damn children.</p>
<p>Getting butt hurt easily that you have play the "children" card huh? Typical big headed loser.</p>
<p>True child.</p>
<p>OooOOhhh child, things are gonna get easier</p>