Is it very important to send in App early?

<p>I am applying to Penn State and I know that it is very smart to apply as early as possible. I am wondering if Wisconsin is the same way, and if there is a priority admissions date other than the February 1 date.</p>

<p>I don’t think there is another priority admissions date, but I know it’s on a rolling basis… is there an advantage to applying early?</p>

<p>just kidding, check this out: [Freshman</a> Applicants: Deadlines - Office of Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>You can get early action by applying by the early deadline. Not much other advantage as many get deferred anyway.</p>

<p>Be aware there is no formal “early action” program. Those who get their applications in by a certain date will get a response by a certain date- or sooner. It could be a deferred/postponed decision response. The sooner you apply the sooner you are likely to get an answer. Once thousands of applications arrive at once the delays get longer.</p>

<p>I meant more along the lines of selectivity being affected by date.</p>

<p>Meaning, if I apply now, late in the first notification period, will I have a better chance of getting in versus applying in late December, midway through the second notification period. Or does Wisconsin not let fewer borderline kids in as time goes on.</p>

<p>They put “borderline” kids into the deferred pool. It’s a pretty big pool. Basically they admit the top kids and reject the bottom and the middle often gets deferred and hears by the normal final date. I do not think there is much if any timing advantage.</p>

<p>No advantage to an earlier application date except in getting a response. They will keep places available for students who apply in January. After the deadline they will review all of those deferred/postponed decisions and let students know the final decision by March sometime. Rolling admissions does NOT mean admitting acceptable students until they run out of space, it means you MAY receive a definitive decision sooner than March, as they decide they let students know.</p>