Is it weird that I don't know how to dance?

<p>My parents really didn't want me to go to any high school dances so I never went and now I'm a sophomore and I have no idea how to dance. I went to a dance that my organization put on tonight but felt really awkward and left like after 10 minutes.</p>

<p>So my question is, how do I learn? should I take a dance class at school or something like that?</p>

<p>Alcohol taught me how to dance.</p>

<p>^ Amateur.</p>

<p>Don’t take dance classes, that’s more lame that not knowing how. Just start out easy like the guy above me.</p>

<p>You’re probably just thinking about it too much and/or you’re too nervous. People are too busy having fun to care how you’re dancing unless you’re acting like a maniac. Just loosen up, grind if that’s all you can manage. Like xSteven pointed out, it won’t hurt to get some liquid courage in you either, not that I’m telling you to drink underage or anything.</p>

<p>Get drunk and shake what your mama gave you.</p>

<p>I agree, you’re just thinking too much. There are no rules about how to dance (unless you are at some kind of extremely formal party and expected to waltz), and as long as you are not slamming into people they will be too busy to notice what you are doing anyway.</p>

<p>Things I’ve found beneficial to dancing:
-LOUD music. That can be heard a mile away.<br>
-alcohol. You don’t have to be completely trashed though.<br>
-a couple songs under your belt. Although getting started is generally not the easiest thing for me, once I’m in there for a few minutes it is a bit more natural.<br>
-practice. I don’t practice on my own haha, but I’ve gotten so much better just by going to parties and putting myself out there ya know?</p>

<p>Agree with the above posters. Alcohol is one of your best friends at dances, not too much though. Also, dance classes like for real dancing? Maybe i’m naive but i assumed all dancing was grinding in college</p>

<p>^Well there’s stuff before and after grinding too. Especially if you’re just with friends or something and they may be a bit hesitant to immediately grind with you.</p>

<p>meh I ground (past tense of grind?) at prom but that’s about all I know lol…</p>

<p>but I’m a metal head so I didn’t know any of the songs they were playing either…</p>



<p>I can’t dance either. Don’t worry about it. I think you can live a long and rewarding life without knowing how to dance.</p>

<p>Step 1: Put crotch against girl’s ass
Step 2: Rub</p>

<p>Congrats you know how to dance at parties. Drink some beer beforehand to remove your inhibitions. As long as you have a decent sense of rhythm you’re good to go.</p>

<p>Also, to the person who said don’t take dance classes, I know a lot of guys who take a dance elective because they are filled with girls to meet.</p>

<p>Dance classes are not lame. Women are impressed by men who know how to dance; I took swing dance last semester and had a great time. You meet fun, new people and learn a nifty skill.</p>

<p>haha, thanks for the responses. Yes, I don know how to grind, but I think the main thing is that I feel that it’s awkward and I don’t feel comfortable? (even if its with close friends) Maybe that’s something I have to get over with</p>

<p>and idk about the dance class, I just kinda threw it out there. I was thinking about learning how to shag haha (for people not from the south, that’s the official state dance of SC)</p>

<p>I don’t know how to dance yet either, maybe alcohol will teach me too. Lol!</p>


Good thing you clarified, when I first read that I was thinking Austin Powers.</p>

<p>Forget about alcohol and dancing, they’re worthless. Just do your own thing.</p>

<p>Alcohol is the answer, but the trick is to get the people around you so wasted that they don’t know your dancing sucks (or they won’t remember it in the morning).</p>

<p>Much easier.</p>