I’m sorry if this is the wrong category, I’m new here. Anyways, I’m a freshman and I have a job that’s about 10 minutes between my campus and home. I really need the job to be able to afford my tuition bills each semester. I tend to work from the afternoon to closing on Saturdays, which is late at night, so it’s easier for me to just go home on Saturday nights and come back Sunday afternoons, instead of disrupting my roommates while they’re trying to sleep (we’re all morning people, so we tend to go to bed around 10:30). I’m leaving tonight (Friday) at around 8 (after all of the on campus school sponsored events end). Technically, I’ll only be gone for one day, but I wanted to see if this was common or not. Sorry if my words are jumbled, it’s been a very busy day.
Do what works for you. The college experience is not “one size fits all.”
Some commute and do not live on campus, some never visit home, sounds like you have the best of both worlds. Lucky you !
@blevine , perfect answer.