<p>Okay, here's the situation. I don't want to sound arrogant, I just want to get more opinions on this. I put it here because it relates to my chances, I guess.</p>
<p>Okay so here are my stats:
Gender/Ethnicity: Male/Hispanic
GPA: 4.0 UW/4.5+ W
Rank: 12/540. I made a thread about this a while back; I got terrible grades in classes taken in 8th grade and since then have gotten straight A's.
School: Poor, crappy public</p>
<p>PSAT: 236
SAT I: 800 Writing, 800 Reading, 740 Math
SAT II: 800 Math II, 800 Literature, 800 US History
APs: Environmental Science and US History (5 on both). Taking 5 APs this year (max).</p>
Debate 11-12: Started off horribly, got a lot better, and eventually won my league in public forum debate (wrote an unconventional essay on this experience). Varsity public forum captain in 12th grade, also treasurer.
Academic Decathlon 11-12: Slacked off before scrimmage and ended up on 2nd team. Got the second-highest score on either team, barely losing to a senior two years ahead of me in math, taking economics, and with musical background. This year, I'm working really hard and will probably score significantly higher. Also a captain.
MUN 11-12: Treasurer 12
Vietnamese Culture Club 11-12: Vice President 12.
Science Fiction Club 9-12: Vice President/Secretary 12.</p>
Student of the month, several academic achievement awards, National Merit Semi-Finalist, National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar for PSAT.</p>
Really good essay writer, and my teachers love me. My English teacher this year said I was probably the best writer/student he's had in almost 40 years of teaching. I admit that roughly 95% of my app starts junior year. This is because I was extremely afraid of taking risks early in my high school career, and it was a huge step for me to join all of those things. I touched on this in an essay. My classes are not the most difficult offered at my school because I was forced to repeat Algebra I in 8th grade after receiving a B- in 7th grade (really hard year for me, had major problems with the teacher). Thus, I'm a year "behind" in math (actually on the normal, not accelerated, path), but I'm skipping Calculus AB and going straight to BC this year, so I'm caught up.</p>
<p>I'm applying to Yale SCEA, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, and USC for sure. If I don't get into Yale, I'll apply to UChicago, Duke, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, Amherst, and Williams, plus maybe a couple more. At USC, I have a huge legacy. My uncle, mom, and grandma all went there, and my grandpa taught there for 50 years.</p>
<p>Now, I want to know if you think it's worth applying to UCs for me. I'm in-state, but the application is kind of a pain (1000 words split over two lame essay topics), and I think my chances of getting rejected from USC are pretty minuscule. So, what are your opinions? Oh and if you want to chance me, feel free, heh.</p>