Is it worth applying to UMich EA for OOS students?

Since there is not so much difference of acceptance rate between EA and RD for OOS to apply to UMICH and so many students are deferred? What is the benefits of applying to UMICH during EA?

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You have an admission decision earlier.


I don’t see that it’s the case for OOS. I think the benefit is to have the application out of the way earlier. They still asked for statements of continued interest from RD applicants. Few were accepted EA OOS, from what we could tell.

So apply early, to get app out of the way. But it most likely won’t get a decision sooner than the end of March.

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But I see lots of students were deferred.

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Yes, my school said UMICH only accepted 2 students during EA last year. And majority of the students are accepted during RD

The earlier you get your EA app in, the greater the chance for an EA decision IME. No one knows for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if EA deferred applicants have relatively better RD outcomes (assuming a strong and competitive application). There is no reason not to get your app in EA.

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Read this. According to the University of MIchigan website, EA decisions are released by the end of January….not sometime in March.

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I think the poster meant decision timing if deferred from EA (which tons of students are)

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Well…for deferral, yes. But don’t most EA applicants hope they get accepted?

My kids applied EA to every school that accepted EA. They then realized that if they were completing all their EA applications by mid-October, they should just get all of their applications done…so they did. It made their senior year much nicer not to have college applications hanging over their heads.

Both of out kids did add a reach school before Thanksgiving…RD. One was accepted and the other was not.

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I wish I could apply EA to every school that I want. But there are so many essays to write. That’s a tons of work before 11/1.

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You have seven months. And a lot of those essays can be modified to meet certain schools.


Applying EA can be an indication of interest in Michigan. Michigan’s CDS checks demonstrated interest as “considered,” and an early application is one way to demonstrate it. Even if a student is deferred in EA, knowing that s/he applied early may signal to admissions that interest is greater and the probability of accepting an offer of admission is higher.


Which is what I said, too—benefit is having app completed and turned in already. That was a huge relief. But, the likelihood of an OOS decision (as opposed to deferral) is unlikely. (My understanding is that there are both acceptances and rejections during EA.)

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And a rejection during EA can help drive other applications that are more realistic for acceptance.

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How many schools are you applying to?

If a school offers EA it’s important to make that deadline if you want to maximize your chance for admission. As Thumper says you will be able to use essays for other schools with minimal changes. Start writing essays in the summer…it’s not fun, but you will thank yourself when it’s October of your senior year.

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It’s unfortunate that many schools aren’t releasing EA decisions until after RD deadlines. Definitely an unwelcome development over the last 5 years or so.


And next year could put a kink in the release dates for financial aid for priority deadline EA schools as well as ED…because the FAFSA won’t be available until December…instead of October 1.

I will apply for at least 12 schools, it depends on the result of EA/ED. I will definitely start writing essays in the summer.


You can start keeping ideas in a word document now. You can look at essays for this year…they do change but sometimes not that much.

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Where you can apply EA you should. Many may get deferred but not all.

You need an essay strategy. Some schools use the same one. My daughter used on six times.

If it’s too much then your list is too long. If you want quantity, find other schools with less onerous requirements.

Good luck.