Is it worth it?

<p>Is it worth doing a dual major of mechanical and aerospace engineering?
Will I benefit from it? And, will it consume hours of my time that I could be spending having a good time?</p>

<p>No. Academic suicide.</p>

<p>No. Unless 70% overlaps, don’t do it. And even then, it might be pointless.</p>

<p>If you really really want to enter the aerospace field, then study that major.</p>

<p>Otherwise, mechanical will give you a great background, enough so that if you want to go to aerospace later on you can just get a masters and go from there.</p>

<p>Get your B.S. in ME and an M.S. in AeroE. Or just do your B.S. in AeroE if you are dead set on entering that field. Otherwise a B.S. in ME might be a good idea if you aren’t certain about aerospace.</p>

<p>Thank You!</p>

<p>This is what I am doing: Majoring in mechanical engineering and taking some extra classes in fluid dynamics structural dynamics and plane design…which are all under Civil engineering at my school…instead of its own major D:. I will end up minoring in civil at columbia university. I will be able to get into many fields when I graduate.</p>

<p>Which colleges in the northeast (primarily NY) would anyone of you suggest for engineering?</p>

<p>^Cornell University?</p>

<p>Rensselaer, Cooper Union, West Point…?</p>

<p>There are a lot of good ones in the northeast. Check rankings, but don’t take 'em as gospel, see what you like and where you could be happy.</p>

<p>Also Columbia and Buffalo.</p>

<p>Penn State, Drexel(Coop), Upenn…lol so many in the northeast…youd be better in deciding on a state :P.</p>