Is it worth making an MIT Maker Portfolio if it sucks?

I made this password manager a few weeks ago that safely stores my passwords and doesn’t cost anything. It didn’t take long and honestly just required some basic Linux commands. Is it worth making this into an MIT Maker Portfolio if it sucks? Some people tell me the portfolio can’t hurt, but if my video idea really sucks then there’s honestly no point in making it.

Submitting something you think “sucks” probably isn’t a good strategy for college admissions, when optional.


Those people are wrong.


Let me rephrase your question, and perhaps you can divine the answer on your own:

“Will submitting a low-effort Maker Portfolio to a university with a 3.9% acceptance rate enhance my application?”

See above


If you are asking, then you probably know the answer.

Read back over what they may be looking for and then move on.

Focus on their essay questions and shine there.