Is it wrong to drop a honors?

<p>Well someone somewhere put me in honors geometry unknown to me and im ok kinda bad at math so basically im a c math student but if i work really hard i'll get a B but never a A so i tried and first semester i finished with a c and then this semester i'll probabley end it with a D and i think its because the work got harder and everything and back when we signed up for classes i signed up for Honors Algebra 2 because i was doing ok then but now looking at next years schedule and my grade now i dont think i can do it so i was wondering would it be wrong to drop Honors algebra 2 and then to make up for that make my honors world history Ap because i know colleges are going to wonder why i took honors and ap in everything but math.</p>

<p>geomtry and alg 2 r so different. I took algebra 1 honors, got an A. Took geo honors, got a low B. Took Alg 2 honors and got a 98. Algebra 2 honors only covers a little from geometry and it’s monstly sin, cos, that kinda stuff. I am rlly bad at it but I managed to get an A still. Just work hard.</p>