Is journalism a good major for me?

<p>I need to study something else. Orginally, my focus was music, but the debt I will go into at the school I looked at and the unpredictability of the music industry is not worth it. I have always enjoyed writing personal stories, some essays (depending on the topic) but I have never worked for a school newspaper or anything. I am in my third semester at my community college and am looking to transfer to an inexpensive school with a good journalism program. Also, because I have nothing to submit to a journalism admission office, I need a school that will let anybody major in journalism. I hope that makes sense... For example, I was looking at Ohio University and they require that anyone who applies to the journalism school submit five pieces written by the person applying. I do not have any pieces to submit...</p>

<p>Hmm. I’d be very cautious about the journalism. Firstly, with changes in technology and the shift from print to digital, the profession is in real flux. It isn’t clear where things are heading for the professional journalist given the amount of hobby blogging.</p>

<p>Secondly, you aren’t yet a writer. A writer is simply someone who writes regularly. If you don’t have 5 pieces to submit regardless of the genre, I’d be questioning my current suitablity for a major that requires a real hard headedness for success after graduation. You could be writing for your current college, the local newspaper or a blog. Go for journalism but only once you show the commitment. </p>

<p>Why not look again at the music if you love it. No major guarantees a job any more. Look at lots of colleges. Look in-state at public colleges. Think about the quality of the education and the opportunities to perform and make music outside of the classroom. You could double major with something else if you’re really worried about employability. Keep your debt low to nothing and if you want to do the journalism you could go to grad school.</p>

<p>It sounds like you don’t actually want to go into journalism. I’d find a less specialized major if I were you.</p>


Huge difference between personal stories and writing objective news stories. If you have 0 experience, then I’d suggest taking some journalism classes first before declaring a major. I agree with sarahchristine…sounds as if an English major would be better for you.</p>


Eh, there’ll always be a need for professional journalists because major news services won’t use hobby bloggers to write the news, but you’re right, the industry is unpredictable. The problem is that they’re having trouble making a profit with news being free these days.</p>