<p>I don’t think it’s dying but televised journalism is. It’s all about ratings now and they would rather cover Casey Anthony and Trayvon Martin cases than international news and real political commentary.</p>
<p>Journalism is definitely evolving. News agencies are now utilizing social media platforms as we’re progressing in a society where immediacy is expected within a delay of minutes. I necessarily don’t think journalism is driving itself into opinionated screed, but rather different formats where their bias are visible. Albeit biased journalism is something that shouldn’t be condoned.</p>
<p>I’d say evolving…news delivery will always be necessary, whether it be through paper or online.</p>
<p>Television journalism is dead, RIP. Newspaper Journalism is on life support. Sensationalist press in all forms is thriving. Internet journalism is a baby learning to walk. (I hope it can grow up and save the profession).</p>