Is literature like almost the same exact thing as the CR reading of reasoning test?

<p>they seem very similar...</p>

<p>how are they different?
anyone who has taken both.. which is harder?</p>

<p>Similar in that you read a passage and answer comprehension questions. But the readings are more difficult and include poetry. There is no testing of vocabulary.</p>

<p>They are pretty different.</p>

<p>No… lit is waay harder.</p>

<p>lits really that much harder? how come like the lowest score ive seen on CC has been like a 770 lol…</p>

<p>good curve i guess…?</p>

<p>No, it has a harsh curve. I have a 780 in CR and a 720 in Lit, I know many people who have high CR scores but who couldn’t do very well on Lit. Don’t take it unless you are very interested in literature or you HAVE TO (I had to).</p>

<p>Yeah, if you read poetry and things like that for fun, then you definitely won’t have a problem with doing well… That is, even if your first practice test score is not what you want, you won’t think studying is tedious, and you’ll get to a score you like soon enough.</p>

<p>For those who got 700+ on Lit–what was your first practice test score? How much prep did you do after that?</p>

<p>^ bummppp. i want to know the answer for this too =)</p>

<p>I got a 650 the first time I took lit, then a 710. I prepped for neither time. Time was my biggest issue.</p>

<p>“lits really that much harder? how come like the lowest score ive seen on CC has been like a 770 lol…”</p>

<p>It’s on College Confidential, that’s why.</p>

<p>also, would a high lit score make up for a low CR score?</p>

<p>^ A strong CR score is basically a prerequisite to doing reasonably well on lit. In other words, if you can’t get a good reading score you have no chance of getting a high score on lit.</p>

<p>Lit has a better curve and it’s more interpretive for the lit-lovers. CR is a boon for the logical mathy people because everything makes sense. Lit’s just a literary interpretation wasteland.</p>

<p>I got an 800 on CR and a 780 on Lit. In my experience, Lit requires closer reading, more inferences, etc., especially because there is 18th century poetry to analyze. However, the structures of the tests are similar.</p>

<p>Well I actually scored higher on Lit than on CR. I got a 780 Lit and a 760 CR. I got those scores first time around (don’t mean to sound like a ■■■■■ or anything, reading/writing is just my thing), and it was because I read a lot of prose and poetry in high school. But with Lit, I could definitely infer and rely on prior knowledge a lot more than on the CR. With CR, it was my vocabulary and the particular passage, nothing else really helped.</p>

<p>just to point out, 760 CR is by no means ‘low’. the 20 difference is pretty small</p>

<p>I did way better on Lit than CR.</p>

<p>i got a 730 on the sat’s CR
and i got a 690 on my first sat2 lit with little practice, i did probably 2 practice tests the week before. it wasn’t incredibly difficult for me, but i ran out of time and did not even get to read the last poem… i’m retaking it on jan.24 lol</p>