Is loyola worth the $

<p>What are your opinions?</p>

<p>I want to make sure I am getting the best education if my parents are going to be spending so much money.</p>

<p>Is it a well organized campus? Like is it hard to change majors, or plan your minor(s)?</p>

<p>And is it a well respected university? I'm assuming it is, because it is a Jesuit education, but I am curious.</p>

<p>Since there seems to be so little activity on this thread, I thought I'd throw in my two cents so at least you would have one response :)
Yes, Loyola is quite expensive which is something D and I have been struggling with. We finally sent her deposit in yesterday. While she could also go to a very well-regarded PU, Loyola is a much better fit for her in many ways. From everything I have found, it is quite well respected and well ranked. We live in a neighboring state, and it seems to have an excellent reputation according to those I have spoken to. Do you have to spend this much money for a good education, no. However, for D, Loyola seems to be a good fit in so many areas for us it is worth the expense.
D really liked the fact that they have smaller class sizes, and the teachers seem very accessible. A smaller campus located in a big city is definitely a draw.<br>
Have you actually been to the campus? When we took our tour our "Student Ambassador" was very informative. She said her advisor helped her pick her minor which she was very happy with. As there are so many "core" courses, it is not too hard to build a minor with your electives. They also seem pretty generous with "double dipping" - having a course count toward two things. You have two advisors - one general and one for your major.
While I have heard comments that there is a lot of red tape with the administration, from what I hear they are making some efforts to improve. No school will be perfect, you just need to decide what is most important for you and base your decision upon that.
Hope this helps a bit :)</p>

<p>thanks so much. its awesome to hear a parent's perspective. I am really worried about making my parents pay that much! I only got like $8k a year, and that really sucks. I am visiting the campus next week and i will spend the night there and really get a feel for the campus. I think I will like it though.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help :)</p>

<p>I am glad you are getting a chance to see the campus. That will really help you decide if Loyola is the right place for you. It really is a nice campus, and for D it was love at first sight. I would very much like to hear about your trip when you return, especially about the dorm. Staying overnight will give you a different experience than our daytime tour. Have a great time!</p>

<p>thanks! yeah, my sister visited the campus two years ago when she was looking at colleges, and my mom thinks i will like it. I'm hoping i will. I will let you know how it goes!</p>


<p>I just wanted to update you with my tour/overnight visit. I loved loyola!! Everyone was so nice and I got to meet a lot of students who go there and talk to them about the school and everything. It was so much fun! The campus is so much more lively than everything else makes it sound! I really liked it. I'm still a little worried about the financial aid situation, but hopefully my parents and i can work something out.</p>

<p>tennisfan: my son and I were at Loyola yesterday (he's a junior). The weather was very nice; the location right on the lake is so beautiful. I love the new green space they are constructing. My son loved the campus, the location and access to Chicago and all that offers. The school seems academically challenging which appeals to him. I like the idea of the liberal arts core and the requirement to take classes from a broad range of areas to satisfy the core.</p>

<p>Tennisfan'09, I am so glad you enjoyed your visit! Knowing you had a great time on your overnight is comforting to me as we didn't have as much time there. I think many comments about campus activities have to do with peoples expectations of the college experience. D has visited our public u many times, and doesn't care for the big party scene there. She is hoping for a different college experience. There will not be any big tailgate parties, but I think Loyola has so much more to offer in other areas. </p>

<p>As far as finances, I would encourage you to have a frank discussion with your parents. You want to make sure that you or your parents will not wind up with a student loan that will be a burden. Hopefully you will come up with a plan you are all comfortable with. If your parents sent you on an overnight visit, then I would think they feel the financial side is doable for them. For our family it will be tight, but the savings provided by the opportunity to compete a 5 year Masters program will bring D's total cost of education more in line with our PU. D also really wanted to be able to study abroad. The ability to study for semester in Rome sealed the deal for us! </p>

<p>I agree with the other poster about the core requirements. The exposure you will have to a wide variety of subjects is invaluable to a well-rounded individual. </p>

<p>I wish you the very best of luck :)</p>

<p>Im a first year student here, and I got to say...big disapointment.</p>

<p>In what way is it a disappointment for you? What were you looking for that haven't found?</p>

<p>Max-weren't you trumping the University a few monhs ago? What has changed from your perception before enrolling to now?</p>