Is Lyman Briggs for me?

<p>It's me again! I sent my MSU app, and checked off that I want to be in LB. However, I was wondering if it's a good fit for me. I know it's a residential college, but I want to know more.
-I'm bad at math. I'll take calculus for the sake of med school, but I would rather not
-I'm pre med
-I really don't care about living arrangements; just don't put me with a serial killer, and I'll be happy.
I read soooo many threads giving pros and cons. Some said it's not for pre med (as in, natural sciences is better), some said it's the best for pre med. Some say it's math and science focused, while others say is science focused. Some say it's boring to live next to your classes, while others said it's great because most of your classes are less than 5 minutes away. Is it a right fit for me based on the things I said? Does anyone actually attend (or have a family member attend, or attended) who can give me advice? Thanks!</p>

<p>I know you posted this awhile ago and I have no idea if you have decided already or anything. I am not a college student (yet) but I know a ton about Lyman Briggs. I have also applied and been accepted to MSU under the Lyman Briggs major.
-I also hate math. I’m not terrible at math but I’m ready to just be done with Calc I. I don’t think that your hatred for math should influence your decision too much as what math you will have to take will vary on what your intended major is. Also, any math that you have to take is ultimately only to your advantage and prepares you for Medical School.
-I am also pre med. I know that most people in college have said that “pre med” is another way of saying “undecided” but at Lyman Briggs this is not the case. I have met many college students in Lyman Briggs at summer camps. They were mostly all Pre Med (majoring in Human Biology or something similar) and i see many of them on facebook posting of their acceptances into Medical School. I think this may be due to that fact that those who are serious about medical school have done their research and have decided that a residential college with an emphasis on science is best to prepare themselves for Medical school. I also think it has to do with that emphasis on science so people do not find a completely different field that interests them more.
I think Lyman Briggs is more science focused than “math and science” focused, but the math is important as math is used throughout science courses.
I know that it is a huge benefit to have you classes in the same building. People can spin it anyway but you are much more likely to go to class everyday if you are in the same building and do not have to go outside in the frigid winter, also you have the chance of running into your professor in the cafeteria and them noticing that you are not sick but you were not in their class. Also, the classes are much smaller than most other university classes. This has the added benefit of more individual help and a better relationship with professors. A strong relationship with professors is necessary if you are pre med as you will need recommendation letters for various things which can include extracurricular activities that may help you get into Medical School. However, if one does find it a bit boring being in the same area all the time, it is possible to take a few classes outside of Holmes Hall. I am considering double majoring in a Lyman Briggs major and an outside major. It is also easy to get a change in scenery without double majoring in an outside major, or taking an outside class by joining groups and attending social events. Extracurricular activities also help in gaining acceptance into medical school. </p>

<p>Besides, if you try it for a semester or a year and decide you do not like it, you can switch out.</p>

<p>I think that based on what you have said and your already expressed interest in Lyman Briggs you would like Lyman Briggs. I think you are just doing a lot of overthinking, and research (like myself) causing you to second guess yourself.</p>

<p>Keep us informed of your decision!</p>