Is Maryland Day at UMD worth attending?

Hi there UMD College Park students/parents/alums.

April 30th is Maryland Day at UMD. I am reaching out to get your thoughts on whether it’s worth attending?

The website says:

The University of Maryland invites you to unlock a world of learning, discovery and exploration at Maryland Day. Take part of hundreds of family-friendly events and interactive exhibits during a daylong celebration and inspiring journey across campus.

But it’s unclear what events and activities take place. The photos make it seem like the activities are geared more towards younger children. Is there anything that would interest an admitted student who wants to learn more about the university and get a feel for campus life?

It’s a 3 hour drive for us, so wondering if it would be worth it.

Thank you in advance.

@SoofDad, @adlgel, @mdmamma1707, @sl4122 and others - would love to get your input. Thanks!

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I’ve never been to Maryland Day so unfortunately can’t comment. My daughter and I did attend an admitted students day in April which helped confirm her decision to commit to UMD

Since I’m a junior, COVID has canceled every previous Maryland Day I would have attended. I personally will attend since I heard it’s fun, but there’s not much info I can give.

Thanks @adlgel and @sl4122. No worries.

We have been to every Maryland Day since 2014, until COVID shut it down. We plan to attend this year.

It is basically a big Open House for the Community. There are demonstrations and activities for young and old.

It is NOT any way associated with Admissions. One thing that we particularly enjoy are the various musical performances at the Clarice.

We also enjoy just walking around campus. I think that new students might enjoy it, but it is a personal decision.

It you sign up for updates, you can decide to attend later in the month, if you are interested. You can even decide without getting updates.

If it’s a 3 hour drive one-way, that may be a bit much

Thanks @SoofDad! That’s very helpful.

I’m aware the event is not associated with Admissions but was wondering if it would help my daughter get more excited about the school and maybe feel more connected to it? She’s strongly leaning towards UMD but hasn’t committed yet.

We attended the admitted students day events last month but my daughter would love to see the inside of Prince Frederick living learning residential hall as well as the Computer Science building, neither of which was covered on that day. Do you know if it’s possible to request a tour/visit to these two buildings while we’re there on campus? If yes, then we would definitely come. Otherwise, the 3 hours drive each way might not be justifiable.

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I would recommending a call, or email, to the Computer Science Department, or Admissions, or maybe even ResLife to see if they can arrange something, before taking that long drive

Good idea, will do. Thanks again.

Just seeing this post & wondering if you attended? We drove down on Friday evening & spent the night at the Hotel. It was a beautiful day and we really enjoyed it! The CS building was open so we sat thru a Q & A session. We also spoke to a CS advisor! We enjoyed all of the activities and scored a Testudo bobble head and free tee shirt! :turtle:


Hey @College0921. Yes, we were there! Drove down Saturday morning and stayed overnight at The Hotel. We all, and especially D, really enjoyed the visit (didn’t score a bobblehead or t-shirt though :frowning_face: :wink: )

The CS building was very impressive. We missed the Q&A session but got to walk around and see the startup incubator space and some classrooms. Met a few students and alumni as well. Overall, was a great trip.

A special shout-out to @sl4122 who was super helpful and provided a lot of information to my daughter.


We’re also trying to figure out the best way for my daughter to travel back and forth between campus and our home in New Jersey. Seems like Amtrak to New Carrollton station might be the best bet? Are there any UMD campus buses that go to that or any other station? Or will she have to take an Uber?

Most kids uber to/from New Carrolton. But yes it is an easy, albeit not necessarily inexpensive way, to get your student back and forth to campus. Planning ahead and buying tickets early is the way to get the best prices.

There has also been arranged bus transportation for Spring Break week. This link gives info about the details for this past Spring Break. Break Transportation | UMD DOTS

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Thanks so much @adlgel. Appreciate your feedback.

Great to hear about the spring break buses. That’s fantastic!