Is there any path to medical school for someone who:
A. has been out of college for two years
B. spent the past two years working in business research
C. did serious scientific/pharmaceutical research leading to a paper abstract presented at an academic conference during senior year of high school;
did another summer of serious biomedical research at a university lab after freshman year of college (it was supposed to be leading to a publication…but since the research was part of ongoing work by the lab, it ended up packaged into some other work, so no publication came out of it);
and did some scientific research on my college campus during sophomore year of college
D. has a GPA between 3.1 and 3.2 from a top-ranked college (I double majored in a social science subject and the biological sciences, which was a very heavy load at my school, and took on leadership positions in many student organizations, one being science-related)
E. only knows one science professor from college well - many science classes at my college were huge, and professors and students usually didn’t get to know each other
F. has yet to take physics or organic chemistry lab. I do have the rest of my premedical prerequisites complete, though.
I won’t make more excuses for my college career, which has many holes in it. However, I dealt with serious anxiety issues in college which made balancing my coursework and working towards a professional goal difficult at the time.
Aspects of medical school currently intimidating me are:
A. the level of memorization required. I’m lucky that I’ve always had relatively strong facility with memorization tasks. However, I fear that a glut of medical information would displace much of the other information I’ve accumulated throughout life (in math and literature, for instance), which is information that I value.
B. the level of stamina required. I put in many, many, many late nights in college. Some research suggests that the effects of sleep deprivation accumulate over time, and I worry that I won’t be able to put in the long nights that are required of a medical student or a resident.
Like many, I think an ideal job would allow:
A. intellectual stimulation and the opportunity to keep learning while being surrounded by like-minded peers
B. the ability to help others in a meaningful way
C. just a little bit of personal time. I do have a few interests outside the sciences, like playing the saxophone, and staying active in those areas would be desirable.
So, my questions, dear reader, are:
-Is this path even attainable, given my resume?
-If so, what might the possible path to medical school be?
-Would becoming a medical student mean giving up six years of sleep, past learning and all hobbies?
I thought it would be best to solicit advice from those in the know.
Thanks a million.