Is Miami a good safety for me?

<p>I've been aiming quite high and I need better bets. I am top decile, school does not rank, and I have a 3.82 unweighted GPA, and most rigorous courseload available. SAT was 770 CR, 760 M, 720 W. SAT 2 was 790 US History, 790 Math II, 780 Math I, 730 Spanish with listening. I have moderately strong extracurriculars and a very good essay. I am a National Merit Semifinalist. I am most interested in the humanities and I plan on doing some exploring academically. Right now I am most interested in philosophy, international relation, film, linguistics, and political science.</p>

<p>Yep! In with a scholarship unless you’ve killed your siblings and their friends.</p>

<p>Yeah, you’ll be fine</p>

<p>I’m not just talking getting in, I’m also talking fit and aid, so please take them into consideration.</p>

<p>Based on what you’ve told us I’d hazard a guess that you’ll be offered the 24K scholarship along with a possible invite to a Singer weekend.