Is my GPA and testing scores too low for Berkeley Arts and Sciences?

I got 6 B’s in my soph. and junior year of high school, leading me to get below-average stats for the school:
Capped UC GPA: 4.08
UW UC GPA: 3.77
Uncapped UC GPA: 4.54
ACT: 33 SAT Subject test math 2: 800
I took 7 APs in total at the end of junior year (AP CSP freshman year), and was the only kid in my grade to take AP Physics C: Mechanics, which I, unfortunately, got a B+ both semesters and a 4 on the exam. I did some research and found out that my capped GPA is below 25 percentile for ALL UCS. I’m kind of feeling pretty down that I might not get into any UC. I did get ELC from the state, but only guarantees one of the lowest-ranked schools. I was aiming for Berkeley Arts and Sciences for Data Science, but it will probably be a reach.

Hopefully I’m wrong but does my UW and capped GPA hurt my entire app?

Due to the competitiveness and low acceptance rate for UCB, it should be considered a Reach regardless of your qualifications. That said, UCB’s College of Letters and Sciences does not admit by major.

Your UC capped weighted and unweighted GPA are below the average for 2019 admits but your Fully weighted GPA is on target. You have a solid ACT score so if you write some outstanding personal insight essays, they could bump up your chances making it a doable Reach.

Your Capped weighted GPA is below the 50th percentile for 6 of the 9 UC campuses and above the 50th percentile for UCSC, UCR and UCM.

Here is some UC Statistical data to gauge your chances, apply widely and best of luck.

2018 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCB: 10%
UCLA: 9%
UCSD: 34%
UCSB: 38%
UCD: 41%
UCI: 38%
UCSC: 70%
UCR: 84%
UCM: 95%

2019 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range:
UCB: 4.23 (4.15-4.30)
UCLA: 4.25 (4.18-4.32)
UCSD: 4.16 (4.03-4.28)
UCSB: 4.16 (4.04-4.28)
UCI: 4.13 (4.00-4.25)
UCD: 4.13 (4.00-4.26)
UCSC: 3.96 (3.76-4.16)
UCR: 3.90 (3.69-4.11)
UCM: 3.73 (3.45-4.00)

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT composite + language arts
UCB: 28-35
UCLA: 29-35
UCSD: 26-34
UCSB: 26-34
UCD: 24-33
UCI: 24-34
UCSC: 24-32
UCR: 21-30
UCM: 18-26

Can you give me a link to those stats?

2018 admit rates:

UC admission profiles:

Late response, but got in! Essays really pulled through imo.

Congratulations and best of luck at UCB.