<li>Hon. Physics</li>
<li>AP US History</li>
<li>AP English III</li>
<li>Hon. Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry</li>
<li>Gym/Health/Physics Lab</li>
<li>Spanish 3 </li>
<p>I have all the highest courses possible except for AP Spanish or Spanish 5 honors. I could have also gotten either AP bio or AP Chem, but because of schedule problems (friggin school) , i wasnt able to fit it in… All the other classes are the highest possible. I go to a public school in NJ and I get mostly A grades and I am in the math league, science league, ping pong club, chess club, and i am thinking about doing fbla and participating in some competitions. I am thinking about volunteering at a local hospital too and I havent taken the sats yet, but i’m expecting a rather good score when i take it soon. What type of schools am I destined for if I continue getting good grades and perhaps winning some competitions (hopefully at least statewide
!) Ivies? the “new ivies” : nyu, carnegie-mellon, or non ivies like rutgers university, or (OMG) …county colleges?? does anyone here have enough incite to predict my future? </p>
<p>why are you volunteering at hospital. You want to be a doctor? Well if you get straight A's and are rather good at whatever you do be it chess , ping pong or any sport or activity you should be destined to get into not only the ivies but any school.</p>
<p>Then again im not out of high school yet either. Im in Gr.11 so you dont have to take my advice.</p>
<p>Compared to a lot of people here, not really. But admission officers take it in context. If that's the hardest you could get then it's rigorous enough.</p>
<p>I have similar issues- at my school, you are required to take American History junior year and they only have regular and AP. It is impossible at my school to take AP US and AP Chem, because both have "labs" and juniors also have to take physics which has a lab, and no honors or AP class. So I decided to double on science and self-study APUSH, since I did it with European history last year and did well.</p>
<p>In your case, perhaps you can self-study precalculus so that you can take AP calc senior year. However, if your schedule is one of the more rigorous ones, then you should be fine. Unfortunately, this is my opinion, but I seriously doubt that adcoms will not accept you bc of one regular course. They just don't want to see you slacking, and you are certainly not.</p>
<p>I did Honors Physics and AP Chem together last year (in addition to six other classes) and nearly burned out. There were only two other students who took AP Chem, Honors Physics, Honors English 11 and AP Government (Comp & US) the way I did. If what you're doing is as rigorous as you'll get, relax. </p>
<p>Granted, that might be a bit hypocritical coming from me, who nearly had a heart attack upon finding out that French IV and AP World Civ are going to be the same hour next year... </p>
<p>Definitely get some community service in though, if you're even considering Ivies.</p>