Is my list possible?

<p>Hi, I was wondering if my college safety/match/reach list was realistic. I'm trying to not get my hopes up that high. Also, my great great grandmothers on both sides were Native American, but since they were married to blacks they weren't counted back then. Do I have to prove it? I'm pretty sure the only trace we have of both of them are pictures. Maybe one document? Finally, does anyone have any recommendations for schools I should look at? I want a small LAC that's not in the city that has a major in international relations.</p>

<p>In the middle of Junior Year...</p>

<p>Gender: Female
State: Maryland
School: Public
Race: African American and Native American</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.06 (If this year goes well it'll be a 3.2)</p>

<p>Taking the SATs this year</p>

Freshman Year
Geometry GT
English GT
Earth Science GT
Advanced Dance
French 2 Honors
US History GT
PE/Health (Required)</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Algebra 2
English GT
Bio Honors
Junior Dance Company
French 3 Honors
AP Government
Engineering Design (required)</p>

<p>Junior Year
AP English
AP Psychology
AP World History
French 4 Honors
Sociology </p>

<p>Extra Curricular
- Outside of School Dance for almost 12 years
- Piano for 6 years</p>

<p>-Tech Crew (9-12)
10th Grade-Props Mistress
11th Grade-Assistant Stage Manager</p>

<p>-SGA (10-12)
10th Grade-Executive Board
11th Grade-Executive Board </p>

<p>-SADD (10-12)
10th Grade-President
11th Grade-President</p>

<p>-French Club (10-12)
10th Grade-President </p>

<p>-School Musical: CATS (10)
10th Grade-Principal Dancer</p>

<p>Work Experience
- Assistant to Psychologist
- Freelance Graphic Designer (with an extensive portfolio)</p>

<p>School List:
Safety Schools: U of Alabama
Southern Methodist University</p>

<p>Match Schools: University of Richmond
Colorado College</p>

<p>Reach Schools: Wellesley College
University of Michigan
Boston College
Sorry this is so long!</p>

<p>I think you should forget about the Native American angle. The colleges ask what you “identify” yourself as, not who your great grandmothers identified themselves as. And, I am pretty sure that they do ask for tribal information and proof of Native American affiliation.</p>

<p>As for your college list, it is too early to make it. You need to take your SATs and your AP exams to assist with that determination. Your gpa right now is low for your reach schools. Rank will be critical here.</p>

<p>You need to begin the SAT process as soon as possible. I definitely would not wait until your senior year to find out how you fare on it. Many kids take the SAT during October or November of their Junior year and then again (if necessary) once more during October or November of their Senior year.</p>

<p>Do you have plans to take it soon?</p>

<p>Yes, I’ve been doing SAT prep for three months now and I plan on taking the SATs twice: once in March and once in May. If I’m not happy with my scores by then, then I’ll take it again in October.</p>

<p>With a 3.06 GPA and no SAT scores yet, you cannot consider Colorado College and the University of Richmond “match” schools. About 1 in 4 students admitted to Colorado College are in the top 1% (one percent) of their HS classes. Richmond is about equally selective.</p>

<p>It’s too early to tell yet for sure, but Wellesley, Michigan, and BC probably are unrealistic. If your GPA goes to 3.2 or higher, if your SAT scores are in the median range (about 1400 M+CR), and if your essays and LORs are very good, then you might have a shot at schools like Colorado College, Richmond, or Macalester. Realistic matches might include some of the other midwestern LACs (such as Earlham or Lawrence).</p>

<p>Without consideration of your GPA, essay, recommendations, and your SAT, the list doesn’t look bad. But your GPA will hurt you. If you do really (and I mean REALLY) well on your SATs, the list you have should be pretty good.</p>

<p>I also second what dignified1 said. But I’m not sure how strict they are with the box checking on applications. I do know that if you want to apply for scholarships and such, you do need to have a legitimate tribal affiliation.</p>