Is my predict IB score really low?

<p>Hello everybody</p>

<p>I am currently in senior studying IB course. Recently (One week after the October SAT test) our school held an IB mock exam and gave the predict score according to the test. Put too much attention on SAT, I did not well prepared on this exam and just get 32/34 out of 42/45. My counselor said this score is really a bad one and may be the reason why universities reject me. </p>

<p>But I do well on all other exams like SAT, SAT subject and Toefl. I also think my essay is really impressive.</p>

<p>So my question is, will this IB predict score really has a tremendous negative effect on my application? I am not that kind of ambitious students. I just want to go to USC. It is my dream school for its excellent course on game design in Viterbi department. </p>

<p>Or will the school change the view to student's score through mid-year report? I do have the confidence that my grade would be much better in the mid-year report. Can I do anything else, maybe to explain my situation to USC by e-mail?</p>

<p>I would not send an email to the university trying to justify or make excuses for a low score. If anyone even saw it, I think it would probably come off sort of as whining.</p>

<p>I’m a little unclear on what you’re describing for your predicted score. Let me know if I’m getting this right. 42 is the IB maximum without bonus points, 45 is with the points you can get from TOK/EE. Out of that, you were predicted to get 32 from the tests, plus 2 extra points? That doesn’t seem like a terrible score to me. That’s still an average over 5 on all of your tests.</p>

<p>My other question: how would this impact your admissions? As is being discussed on another thread, predicted IB scores are not anything official and are likely not used in the admissions process at all, anyway.</p>

<p>Yea, I’m not sure if American schools even put a lot of emphasis on predicted grades. Some schools don’t even care and most of the schools will be more concerned with high gpa. However, I know for European schools, they admit you primarily on predicteds.</p>