I’m a junior this year, and the whole AP program and SAT system is relatively new at my school, only been around about 10 years. When I was a sophomore, we were only allowed one AP class-AP Human Geography. I got a 5 on that one.
This year, we’re allowed to take at most 3 APs, and even taking 2 is a big deal here.
Currently, I’m taking 2 APs: AP World History and AP Biology. I’m passionate about both classes and earned an A in normal bio and world history in my freshman year.
However, I’ve heard that those 2 require a lot of studying and memorisation, so I’m quite nervous.
Right now, my schedule is:
AP World History
AP Biology
Literary Analysis
Creative Writing
International Relations
I’m planning to replace Creative Writing for AP Psychology. Is it too much? I’ll have 3 APs then. I’m worried if the work loud will be stressful. I’m an active student, I’m in 3 varsity sport teams, leadership program, MUN, dance club, and I’m also a writing coach.
Am I signing myself up for an extremely stressful and tight schedule? 
I think you can definitely handle taking on AP Psych- It’s known to be one of the easier APs.
You already have an english class (Lit Analysis) so it’d be good for you to be taking 3 APs (since that is the max for juniors)- it will be the most rigorous schedule, which is what top-tier colleges want.
Just keep on top of your work and don’t miss class, and you’ll be fine.
If you’re already worried about taking AP Bio and AP World, then I suggest you not add another heavy memorization AP to your courseload. I think it looks perfectly balanced as is, and it seems like you like writing, so there’s nothing wrong with keeping creative writing. As long as you put the effort in, I believe you’ll do fine in these two APs. Students at my school don’t take regular world history before AP world, so this will help you tremendously. Also your A in regular biology means you’ll likely do great in AP bio.
Also, don’t forget that you have at least two more rigorous classes on your schedule (Precalculus and chemistry). You don’t want to overwhelm yourself, so I think your schedule is great as is.