<p>I plan on applying SCEA to Harvard and several Ivy's during regular admission, and I just received a 710 on US History. Since most only require 2 subject tests (800 M2 and planned Physics in Oct), is this 710 even worth reporting, to show I took the test and tried? Or is the relatively low score detrimental to my application.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t report it, since a score of 770+ is considered to be a good score. If you get a 770+ on Physics, you don’t need to show USH, since you can just ScoreChoice. Plus, you got an 800 on Math II which is pretty helpful.</p>
<p>I would ignore ^^. 770 and up isn’t only considered a good score. Anything over 700 is acceptable. Check your academic index. If it 190 and over, you are fine submitting what you already have. No offense, but you probably won’t even get into Harvard. Most people don’t. Even people with perfect scores don’t. Don’t go crazy on testing</p>
<p>^ Nah, I don’t agree. You only need two subject tests, so why take the chance? It’s not like he’s deciding whether to retake or not. Subject tests are to show your knowledge in specialized areas, so if you do well in Physics, I think you will be fine with just reporting Math and Physics.</p>
<p>I have a decent GPA (3.71/4.55), a 35 on the ACT, play varsity football (possible MIT recruit), and several great EC’s/internships/volunteering, so would this <hurt> my app at all? I know testing isn’t all of it, but I already took the test lol</hurt></p>
<p>The only reason I took this was to get a decent score (700+) that would show that I tried to recover from my B in my freshman US History class. It’s in the 64th percentile, but a 710 doesn’t look horrible on paper, so what should I do?</p>
<p>If you do well in Physics, send physics and M2. Either way, sending or not sending USH will neither help nor hurt your application.</p>
<p>OP, you don’t need to retake your subject test. In fact, you don’t need to take another subject test at all unless you want to major in something Physics related. Assuming you have a class size of 200, your academic index would be 230.5, making your AI rank 9 out of 6, which is amazing and extremely rare. You are very much fine. Save your money. So disregard @cso1640 and save your money. I wish you the best
Good luck!</p>
<p>Not quite understanding @AnnieBeats logic here. OP is already planning on taking the Physics test, and only asked if the USH test is worth reporting or not - not if he should take the Physics test at all.</p>
<p>@cso1640 I said it is worth reporting and that the physics exam isn’t worth taking because he already has the highest AI possible.</p>
<p>@AnnieBeats I think it would make quite the difference if OP gets an 800, for example, on the Physics test, especially if he’s going into a STEM field.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input, and @cso1640 is right, I am going into the STEM field so I am definitely taking Physics. </p>
<p>US History was just a “why not” test for me, and turns out it didn’t help or hurt me at all. I guess I will send anyways because it would not raise an unnecessary red flag, right?</p>
<p>Harvard also doesn’t require SAT subject tests anymore, so if you don’t do as well as you think you will on physics, you can always just send in your math II one to supplement you application and not send in anything else (subject-test-wise)</p>