Is nursing school REALLY that hard to get into?

<p>Many people say that they didn't get into nursing school so it's really hard and others say it is not that hard. Is it really that competitive and hard?</p>

<p>2000 applicants for 60 slots was the figure thrown out the admitted student day at one state flagship university this year. Yes. Nursing school is competitive. It is often the most competitive major on campus to be accepted to.</p>

<p>That’s kinda scary. I really want to go into nursing but what do you do if you don’t get into to nursing school? What then? Are there any backup plans?</p>

<p>Honestly, I think it depends on the school. If it’s one of the bigger and big name schools, then yes I’d assume it’d be hard to get into their nursing program.</p>

<p>I’ve only looked at the Middle Atlantic States. </p>

<p>The larger public flagships are very hard for admittance (Pitt, Penn State, UDel, Rutgers, UVa etc). </p>

<p>There are tons of nursing programs in the country. Make sure you apply to a wide range of schools, including some no-name safeties. Many of the lesser known private colleges now specialize in health care education and have excellent programs and facilities. Those types of colleges can also be beneficial because they may allow students to transfer from one health care field to another, if you find one you like better. </p>

<p>Many of the those less selective private colleges also have automatic merit scholarships. </p>

<p>Do not rely upon the average admission stats for a particular college. Assume that you need to be in the top 25% of stats for admitted students of a college, instead of in the usual median 50%.</p>

<p>It seems every college says that nursing is one of their one or two hardest majors for admission, and the classes fill up the earliest. Many colleges have earlier application deadlines for nursing than other programs.</p>

<p>Other people have also said that at community colleges, nursing is the hardest major for admission.</p>

<p>If you will be eligible for a college grant from your own state, look into whether it can be used for an out of state college. Many states only allow their grants to be used within their own state, or only offer much smaller grants if you attend an out of state college.</p>

<p>From what I heard, yes. For community and hospital programs, the competition is fierce, I am told, because so many adults are going back to get this degree along with the those who are coming out of high school and wanting to go into nursing. One program I know of here, is comprised of more than half adults who have been out of school for a while, like over age 30 or 40.</p>

<p>True in our area of the country too. I am currently in a community college nursing program and very few of my classmates are under age 30. At age 52, I am not the youngest in my class.</p>