<p>Hey everyone, my parents are not going to start filling out the PFS or any FA info until the 27th. This is b/c my dad gets this week off. He has a really demanding job, so this is the only time he will really have a chance. Have they allotted enough time? I'm worried that it will take longer than they think. Thanks!</p>
<p>half an hour or so for the on-line one</p>
<p>The most important thing is that they either know the numbers they need to enter — or know where to look to find them. They should get last years tax docs out and the most recent bank/home loan/investment statements handy.</p>
<p>Yes, one week is plenty of time to fill out the PFS.</p>
Thanks and I’ll tell them to get the info handy.</p>
<p>Thanks everyone! Now I’ve got to go to my part of the application!</p>
<p>if you haven’t yet sent the candidate profile, do it asap!</p>
I have submitted the candidate profile. Right now, I’m working on my essays.</p>
<p>I won’t do it until after Christmas either. Since this is my second year, I only have to send 2010 tax documents when they become available. Gathering, photocopy and getting the documents together for mailing is what took me the longest.</p>
<p>As long as they have all of their financial info handy, it won’t take more than an hour (at the most).</p>