Is partying the only thing to do?

<p>I recently received my acceptance letter from the U of A and am seriously considering going there because I was offered a great scholarship. Of course I am aware that Arizona is notorious for partying but I’m not a crazy partier. I’m just wondering if the only thing there is to do is party. I will probably get involved in Greek life so I know it seems I’m asking for the party scene, but is it really as crazy as people make it out to be?
Thank you for your time!</p>

<p>It can be as crazy or subdued as you want it to be. Greek life is great, but not for everyone at the UofA. Those who opt to do the Greek system have plenty of party opportunities. Likewise, those that opt NOT to do the Greek life can find plenty of parties to their liking. The great college atmosphere at the UofA, which includes the great sporting activities is a real highlight for most college that attend this great school. I would say it is NOT as crazy as people say…again, you make it what you want it to be. Bear Down!</p>

<p>Honestly, yeah it kind of is the only thing to do. I don’t drink or party, so I usually find myself in my room on the weekend. </p>

<p>If you don’t enjoy partying, there are lots of other things to do! The hiking and mountain biking in the area is absolutely great, and you will love Tucson if you are an outdoor person. A majority of the students do party, and party hard, but there are a lot who don’t as well and I’m sure you will fit right in. If you join greek life you are obligated to party if in a frat, but in a sorority not so much. </p>

<p>And if an6rew walks along the mall this week, he’ll hit Spring Fling the largest student run fair in the country through the weekend. I was in Tucson last week and attended several events there is always tons to do, we went to a Town & Gown lecture given by a University of Cambridge Professor, had a great Indian meal and hung out on University, you’ll never need be stuck in your dorm like Olivia, you really need to get out more Olivia!</p>

<p>I truly hope so that there is a booming social scene at UA. I’m worried myself about the availiblity of things to do in </p>

<p>Are there parties every weekend? </p>

<p>Yes. As there are at every college. House parties, frat parties, pool parties at apartment complexes, concerts, you will find no shortage of parties. </p>