<p>I just got rejected from my dream college (ND... Don't kill me please!!!!) and penn state was my second choice...now my question is.. is it a good school or is it like a school where almost everybody gets in? I guess what I'm trying to say is what is so special about PSU</p>
<p>As far as state schools go, I'd say Penn State is one of the better ones. I'm no PSU expert, but I know several people who go there that really like it.</p>
<p>Well the many employers who recruit here during Fall Career days probably would call it pretty good ;). Yes PSU is a great school with great academics and a great atmosphere of course Im a little partial ;).</p>
<p>hahahaha cool, yeah I'm sending my stuff tomorrow...So excited yet nervous... Pennypacker here i come!!!</p>
<p>aha Pennypacker? Im in there this year and probably gonna be there next year as well ;).</p>
<p>Cool!!!! yeah I applied to FISE house dunno if I will get it though :(</p>
<p>Are there many engineering students living in South?</p>
<p>I think the engineer and science dorm (FISE house) is located in pennypacker so I'm guessing yes?</p>
<p>Pennypacker is in East. I don know about South, The eng. students really are all over da place, the majority living on campus would probably be in west tho.</p>
<p>hahaha I feel so dumb... I thought i had read east sorry! that is probably why i did so bad in the critical reading part of the SAT ;)</p>
<p>There are special living option housing areas for Engineering majors in East, Pollock, and West. They each have their own details and reasons for joining.</p>
<p>Second year engineering students would probably want to live in west to be closer to Hammond and IST but there is no guarantee they would get the rooms they request. (I know two EE kids who requested West but were assigned elsewhere for sophomore year)</p>
<p>South and west have better housing, imo. West in general and south especially in Atherton and Simmons.</p>