I’m a mom whose ds is applying to B-school this cycle. I am doing my VERY best to stay out of it, not bug him, not ask too many questions, etc. As such, I feel kind of uninformed about the entire process.
Would it be worth it for me to join P&Q just to quench my need-to-know position?
I really want to be just a cheerleader to him, but I honestly kind of obsess about stuff like this. CC filled my need to do that for the college application cycle several years ago. Will P&Q fulfill that need for B-school admissions?

Thanks. Okay, I signed up. Are there regular message boards as we have on here? I’m obviously not smart enough to navigate their site.
Would WallStreet Oasis be more of what I am seeking?
P&Q for undergrads is the better site by far.
WallStreetOasis (WSO) is composed of reader comments.
P&Q typically allows for comments on the articles; I am not aware of a community message board like CC, but I do not use P&Q for undergrads much even though it is an excellent site.
Thank you.
I found a site called, “GMAT Club” that has message boards that seem similar to CC.
I honestly need to not obsess about this. It’s ds’s thing - not mine. But, I feel like reading a message board anonymously is better than bugging ds which I might be inclined to do if I didn’t burn up my obsessiveness somewhere else.
GMAT club has been around for a long time. I have never read the message board. Thank you for the reminder !
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If you have any questions, I may be able to help. Feel free to PM /DM me or to ask in your thread.
Curious as to which MBA programs your son is applying.
I’d prefer to message you, but when I click on your name it indicates that your public profile is hidden, so I don’t know how to send you a message???
Feel free to message me if you’d like.