is PR physics accurate?

<p>I'm taking physics this saturday. I've done the practice tests in PR and find them harder than the 20 sample questions in CB's subject tests booklet. So is it just me or the real tests are actually easier than practice tests in PR? (I can't compare since I don't have any full released tests)</p>

<p>The practice booklet questions are deceptively simple.</p>

<p>I’d say they’re very similar in difficulty. Sparknotes’ tests were pretty spot on</p>

<p>I know Sparknotes’ guidebook is free but can their practice tests be downloaded free too? because I couldn’t find the test on the website.</p>

<p>Probably off-topic but OMG the curve for physics is crazy! I just did one prac test, left blank like 10 friggin questions (out of syllabus) and got a, guess what, 790! you’ve got to be kidding me.
Sorry needed to vent cos i took the test this january, without having learnt half of the syllabus (international system, school starts in Jan and ends in Nov) and scores a VERY DISMAL 640. Made my whole SAT test report look so much UGLIER. Okay it was a huge mistake on my part going for the test without a. having done practice tests and b. knowing that you can switch test as you wish (otherwise would have done Math I)…</p>


<p>Anyone have trouble buying the Sparknotes practice tests? I get a blank page when redirected to the B&N website.</p>